Have working Fire & Smoke detectors –Ionization smoke alarms are generally more responsive to flaming fires. Photoelectric smoke alarms are generally more responsive to fires that begin with a long period of smoldering.You can purchase an alarm that has both features included. Replace batteries– change batteries twice a year when you reset your clock…
Create an Escape Plan –You typically have about 2 minutes to get out of a burning structure. Make a plan that includes 2 exits for each room including windows and doors. Households with children can encourage this by drawing and labeling a plan. Check your windows–Make sure everyone can easily open windows to get out quickly in case…
Create a Home Inventory: A home inventory provides an account of what you own and it’s value to determine the right amount of insurance coverage. In the event of damage, you will be able to provide the insurance company a list of what has been lost. Making a home inventory can be as simple as writing or typing up a…
Create a Home Inventory: A home inventory provides an account of what you own and it’s value to determine the right amount of insurance coverage. In the event of damage, you will be able to provide the insurance company a list of what has been lost. Making a home inventory can be as simple as writing or typing up a…
Create a Home Inventory: A home inventory provides an account of what you own and it’s value to determine the right amount of insurance coverage. In the event of damage, you will be able to provide the insurance company a list of what has been lost. Making a home inventory can be as simple as writing or typing up a…