Resources Timeline

Preventing Water Damage

Nobody wants water damage to their home, but it happens very frequently. Follow these tips to prevent damage and spending thousands of dollars in repairs. If you have any questions about these please contact one of our partners.


Know where the main water shutoffs are located and how to use them in an emergency or when leaving the home for an extended period of time.

Monitor your water bill- If you see it starting to increase or one that’s suddenly high, you may have a leak.

Repair small leaks- Check refrigerators, dishwashers and other appliances before they become a problem.

Monitor the water heater-Over time they begin to rust and eventually leak. Life expectancy of a water heater is around 8-10 years.

Ensure proper water drainage- Clean your gutters. Direct downspouts 5-10’ away from the house.

Be careful where you plant–some trees and plants have invasive roots. Plan well in order to keep roots away from any water lines.

Resources Timeline

Before a Fire-Escape Plan

Create an Escape Plan –You typically have about 2 minutes to get out of a burning structure. Make a plan that includes 2 exits for each room including windows and doors. Households with children can encourage this by drawing and labeling a plan.

Check your windows–Make sure everyone can easily open windows to get out quickly in case of a fire. If windows or doors in your home have security bars, make sure that they have emergency release devices inside so that they can be opened immediately in an emergency.

Practice your fire drill- -Every home fire escape plan needs an outside meeting place that is a safe distance from the home.

Choose an outside meeting place so everyone will be together and adults will know that everyone is safe. Practice your home fire drill at least twice a year and encourage learning with resources like an Activity Book







Resources Timeline

Before a Fire- How to Prepare


Have working Fire & Smoke detectors –Ionization smoke alarms are generally more responsive to flaming fires. Photoelectric smoke alarms are generally more responsive to fires that begin with a long period of smoldering.You can purchase an alarm that has both features included.

Replace batteries– change batteries twice a year when you reset your clock for daylight savings.

Create an Emergency Kit-Include Water, Non-perishable food, Flashlights and extra batteries, First aid kit, Whistle, Moist towelettes, Infant formula and diapers

Create a Home Inventory– Include important family documents (such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records) in a waterproof, portable container

Cash or traveler’s checks

Additional Clothing/Shoes

Warm Blanket

Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children




Resources Timeline

Before a Fire-Home Inventory

Create a Home Inventory:

A home inventory provides an account of what you own and it’s value to determine the right amount of insurance coverage. In the event of damage, you will be able to provide the insurance company a list of what has been lost.

Making a home inventory can be as simple as writing or typing up a list of the contents of your home.  Everything including: furniture, electronics, clothing, jewelry, appliances and even silverware  should all be documented.

Photo or video documentation of your items can be of great value.

Important note: Your inventory should be kept somewhere other than in your home. Keep copies in several locations such as: safe deposit box, office and with a friend/family member.Online inventories are a great option that would be accessible at anytime no matter what condition your home is in. There are quite a few computer programs and apps available as well. See below for some great resources available to help you make a home inventory.

Many of our ReNetwork partners can help you create a home inventory and will be happy to help you with this important step.

Online resources:

Many insurance  carriers have forms and resources available for you to use.

Other resources:


  • Home Inventory by Binary Formations
  • Tap Forms Organizer and Secure Database by Tap Zapp Software Inc.
  • Itemizer by Digital2Analog Software Inc.


  • Home Inventory Organizer – SmartWare Inc
  • MyHome Pro: Home Inventory – Access Lane, Inc.

Apps for Apple and Android:

  • Encircle: Home Inventory: This one has a great feature where you take a picture of a room and then label each item in the room
  • III (Insurance Information Institute) Inventory – Know Your Stuff

For more information about a home inventory please visit


Photo credit: Sean Ryan, The Flint Journal

Resources Timeline

Before a Storm-Home Inventory

Create a Home Inventory:

A home inventory provides an account of what you own and it’s value to determine the right amount of insurance coverage. In the event of damage, you will be able to provide the insurance company a list of what has been lost.

Making a home inventory can be as simple as writing or typing up a list of the contents of your home.  Everything including: furniture, electronics, clothing, jewelry, appliances and even silverware  should all be documented.

Photo or video documentation of your items can be of great value.

Important note: Your inventory should be kept somewhere other than in your home. Keep copies in several locations such as: safe deposit box, office and with a friend/family member.Online inventories are a great option that would be accessible at anytime no matter what condition your home is in. There are quite a few computer programs and apps available as well. See below for some great resources available to help you make a home inventory.

Our rē:network  partners can help you create a home inventory and will be happy to help you with this important step.

Online resources:

Many insurance  carriers have forms and resources available for you to use.

Other resources:


  • Home Inventory by Binary Formations
  • Tap Forms Organizer and Secure Database by Tap Zapp Software Inc.
  • Itemizer by Digital2Analog Software Inc.


  • Home Inventory Organizer – SmartWare Inc
  • MyHome Pro: Home Inventory – Access Lane, Inc.

Apps for Apple and Android:

  • Encircle: Home Inventory: This one has a great feature where you take a picture of a room and then label each item in the room
  • III (Insurance Information Institute) Inventory – Know Your Stuff

For more information about a home inventory please visit


Photo credit: Sean Ryan, The Flint Journal

Resources Timeline

Before a Water Damage Event-Home Inventory

Create a Home Inventory:

A home inventory provides an account of what you own and it’s value to determine the right amount of insurance coverage. In the event of damage, you will be able to provide the insurance company a list of what has been lost.

Making a home inventory can be as simple as writing or typing up a list of the contents of your home.  Everything including: furniture, electronics, clothing, jewelry,  appliances and even silverware  should all be documented.

Photo or video documentation of your items can be of great value.

Important note: Your inventory should be kept somewhere other than in your home. Keep copies in several locations such as: safe deposit box, office and with a friend/family member.Online inventories are a great option that would be accessible at anytime no matter what condition your home is in. There are quite a few computer programs and apps available as well. See below for some great resources available to help you make a home inventory.

Many of our ReNetwork partners can help you create a home inventory and will be happy to help you with this important step.

Online resources:

Many insurance  carriers have forms and resources available for you to use.

Other resources:


  • Home Inventory by Binary Formations
  • Tap Forms Organizer and Secure Database by Tap Zapp Software Inc.
  • Itemizer by Digital2Analog Software Inc.


  • Home Inventory Organizer – SmartWare Inc
  • MyHome Pro: Home Inventory – Access Lane, Inc.

Apps for Apple and Android:

  • Encircle: Home Inventory: This one has a great feature where you take a picture of a room and then label each item in the room
  • III (Insurance Information Institute) Inventory – Know Your Stuff

For more information about a home inventory please visit


Photo credit: Sean Ryan, The Flint Journal

Resources Timeline

Before a Storm-Pay Attention


Pay Attention-The first and best defense in the event of severe weather is awareness.  There are many options for staying up to date on developing weather situations. If flooding threatens, follow weather and news reports so you know how much danger you’re facing. Obey evacuation orders from local authorities.

  • — you can access forecasts and warnings by simply typing in your zip code. Click on the Weather Safety tab to find a collection of resources from the National Weather Service.
  • NOAA Weather Radio — All warnings and watches are issued by the National Weather Service and you can have immediate access for as little as $20.
  • You can program the radio to alert you for your county and the adjacent counties for a bit more lead time on weather headed your way.
  • Local Alerts — Many local TV and radio stations now provide alerts on social media.

There are more tips for identifying your storm and flood risk and preparing for floods at:


Photo Credit: WallPress

Resources Timeline

Before a Storm-Create a Plan and Prepare

Create a Plan– Become familiar with your community’s disaster preparedness plans and create a personal plan for your family. Identify escape routes from your home and neighborhood and designate an emergency meeting place for your family to reunite if you become separated. Also establish a contact point to communicate with concerned relatives.

If you have questions about how to prepare your home contact one of our rē:network partners.

Prepare your house by clearing debris from gutters and spouts, raise electrical components 12 inches above the projected flood level, place your furnace, water heater, and washer and dryer on cement blocks 12 inches above the projected flood level and move furniture and other valuable items to a safe place.




Resources Timeline

Before a Storm-Emergency Kit

Create a disaster kit which may include:

Water, non-perishable food, battery-powered radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries, flashlight and extra batteries, first aid kit,whistle, moist towelettes,wrench or pliers to turn off utilities, cell phone with chargers

Infant formula and diapers

Home Inventory list-Important documents (insurance policies, certificates and bank records etc.) in a waterproof container

Cash or traveler’s checks

Warm blanket

Change of clothing/shoes


Photo Credit: WallPress